12. March 2009
Don’t know where to start :P. Probably wisest is with starting from the beginning or where I left off last time. But not much actually happened while we were in Christchurch, tried to find someone to travel with, who wanted to share some expenses and would have drivers license, but with no luck. On Monday we checked out from our backpackers and started our 8 hour or something like that trip to Queenstown. We saw a bit of New Zealand nature and mountains and it all gave real positive feeling. Had few stops on our way and one of them was in one small town, where we had lunch, but don’t remember the name of it. It was next to one quite beautiful lake and mountains all around. After that we started thinking about maybe going back there, but we will see about that.
Anyways, we got to Queenstown around 4 pm and then started looking for backpackers. Because we didn’t have anything booked and hadn’t done any research about them, then pretty much took the first one we found. We actually went to the information centre, but it was packed and we didn’t find any useful fliers there either. So we booked our first night in X base, which was 27 dollars a night, which is quiet expensive, 25 dollars a night is OK, and less than that is awesome. When we got to our room it was full of POME’s, making noise, but good for them, they were having fun.
We pretty much went out straight away, to look around the town. Nothing special actually, except the fact that you can book bungee jumping and other stuff like that almost everywhere. And we actually did book the bungee, the NZ highest and I think second highest in the world. We were also checking other backpackers, to find cheaper one. After visiting couple of them, which all were full for few days, we found one place which was actually 27 per night, but in reception they told that if we book 2 nights then we can get it for 25 a night. So we decided that we will come back next day, before going to do the bungee and gonna stay here. While we were chilling around one of those English guys came to us and said that it’s gonna be party tonight in our room, that we should get some drinks and they will get the girls.
In the evening after looking around the town when we got back to our room it was full of people, mostly English guys and Swedish girls, hmm, yeah. We were hanging there for awhile and then everyone went to the bar. They asked us to come with us too and as we had 2 fliers for 2 for 1 beers, we thought why not. We had our beers and listened how people sang karaoke real good or real bad. Well, beginning was good, but it got worse every time, I think it means that alcohol doesn’t make you a better singer. So before it got unbearably painful we left and went to bed. But well the night didn’t end with that. I mean, I already fell a sleep and were in the dream world when some English guys with Swedish girls came in and started screaming, yelling and later on fucking and woke me up. And after that it took awhile to get back to sleep. And we had to be up before 10 am in the morning, fun.
Anyways we actually got up before 10, packed our stuff and then changed the backpackers. And the new backpackers is heaps better, only 4 people in the room and more quiet + it’s cheaper :P. Dropped our stuff there and went to get some breakfast and then headed to the place where we had to check in for the bungee jump. Around 1 pm we got to the place where the bungee jump was going to happen, got our gear and instructions. Oh and btw I am now around 73 kg heavy :P which is real positive. And I thought that I have lost weight. Then we were taken in the middle of the canyon to a kind of small house. We were put things around our legs and had to wait for our turn. Kaupo had to jump before me, because he was heavier :D, when he got back up and talked about it was the point I started getting real nervous. My turn wasn’t so far away after that either.
There was one thing with the jump, after you got down you had to pull from one rope to release your legs. It seems to be real easy thing, but after you have fallen 100 m and are hanging in the middle of the freaking canyon, it’s not that easy anymore, you are scared shitless and don’t wanna fall down. Couple of guys came up hanging down, legs still strapped. Kaupo also warned me about it.
Soon it was my turn, I had to sit down to the chair and wait till I get strapped to the bungee rope. I started getting more and more nervous. I got my picture taken on that chair and then had to go on the ledge. Before I got there that guy told me to jump hard and that’s pretty much last thing I remember clear. By the time I got on the ledge I was scared shitless already and after looking down the fear got even stronger. I was advised to look in front the mountains, so I did. Because the wind was quite strong at that moment, I had to marinate in my fear for a bit. And then it happened. 3…, 2…, 1…, go… and adios, didn’t have any thoughts anymore, couldn’t do anything anymore. Middle part was the scariest I think, I felt like my heart was going to pop out. I’d like to quote something I read that someone had told about that bungee jump “Even my shit was scared”. I think that’s the right thing to say. Last part was real blurry, don’t know if it was the part where million thought went through my mind or just because of the wind. Guess only way to know is doing it again :P, but not so soon yet.
I didn’t have problems with releasing my legs, by pulling that rope, but I was scared as hell doing that still. When I got up I was still shaking all over my body and it didn’t stop for some time. We had to keep looking people jumping and after awhile it got boring and it took time before we could go back to the safe ground. But when we got there we were just doing nothing, waiting for others. We could check our videos and pictures that were taken. For quite some time I was in a dilemma whether to buy the video or not, so that I would have something to remember. Just before leaving I decided to get it. It was expensive, but I think it was worth it.
When we got back we were thinking what to do next and decided to go bike riding next day. We were checking bike rental prices and places to go. But we didn’t make any decisions yet. I was real tired that day when we got back, so I went to bed early, wanted to be rested for next day.
In the morning we got up, had breakfast, bought cloves and I got a warm hat too and decided to which rental place we were going. We chose the one that cost 1 dollar more, but the store was opened 2 hours longer than the other one. We got there and asked about bike rental. She asked straight away where we wanted to go and we had to make quick decision. One place what we had been looking before already was the highest mountain around here, around 2400 m high and has snow on top. It had a road going up there too, because there’s ski resort during winter. The lady there didn’t want to give us the cheaper bikes for that tho. So we had to rent 25 dollars more expensive bikes.
But as we wanted to do it we were ok with that. And I think it has been so far one of the best spent money in Queenstown. The trip up there was real hard, but the view, the feeling of accomplishment and the workout was defiantly awesome. It took us around 4 hours to get up there and it was too hard to ride all the way up with bikes and we didn’t get all the way up because the snow got quite deep and we weren’t clothed properly for winter weather, so it was real cold. While we were going up there were times that wind got real strong, even that strong that we were struggling moving forward not back, but when the wind was from behind us it was quite good to move on. Because we were so high it was quite hard just physically move on, because the higher you get the less oxygen there is in the air. So there was one time, that I just couldn’t go on, only thing I could do was lying down and resting.
Coming down was easy, as we went up around 4 hours we came down around 1 hour, funny eh. We were riding around Queenstown for awhile more and then returned the bikes. We went back to the backpackers to have shower and rest a bit. Later on we went to get something to eat, as we wanted steak, it’s not easy to find cheap place. We went to the world bar which had steaks with OK price, had a 2 litres of beer for two of us and later on tried the famous teapot cocktail. I think we had quite good night.
Now we are doing basically nothing here at the moment. Thinking where to go and do next. We should put up ads to the internet that we are looking for travel mates. Last day we are going to stay here is Saturday, so till then we still have time till then to do something here. But what!?
18. March 2009
I would like to start this time, not with what I have done, but with something I didn’t have a good answer first time, not even second time, but came up to my mind while I was around 1500 m high walking on the top of the mountain. This answer is more directed towards Herr Martin, but I think it is something for everyone.
Question was why to save old buildings and why are they so important? I would go little bit beyond this question a bit. I would ask why were these did humans create those buildings anyways!? Probably most of these old buildings were built either to live in them, to defend people in and around them or for religious purposes.
If you look at it like that everything seems to be alright. And then there they are now after few hundred years trying to make us think about our history and show us the cultural values (some of them only). The buildings are just made from stone, wood and some other construction materials, which the time has given it’s mark, some buildings show it more, some less. All these materials that people are using are creation of nature and it has taken decades, sometimes millions and billions of years to be like they are now. But human mind doesn’t go much beyond their own lifetime or those few hundred years that we have learned from history books. And then comes some guy and tears up that creation, destroying millions and billions of years and for what, to make something of it and tear it down again, so that all the “history” is going to be thrown out like garbage.
And the same thing goes about everything that humans use to create useless junk and destroy the nature. Starting from everything that has become so natural for us electricity, gas, cars, pots, pans, watches, jewellery and even the same computer we are using.
But as a human being I couldn’t imagine my life without some or many of these things. Being able to travel, cook food, know what time it is, without using sun to do the calculations and to communicate with people through internet, without destroying the millions and billions of years. And of course I appreciate the cultural values that some things give us, but what are my cultural values anyways? As an Estonian I don’t have many of these traditions or values left as even my grandparents had at their time. We don’t have those old Estonian Christmas left, now we have Christmas with Coca-Cola Santa, our dancing has become pretty much kids school and once an a year event, tho here far away from home, the food is the thing I miss.
Going too far from the my primary thought now :P. What I’m trying to say is that we should use as much as we can things that can be recreated and always use wisely what we have, avoiding pointlessness.
Here is a story. It is a story about one cave or one cave system. Billions of years ago nature created a limestone. Many, many times later than the length of human history water started caving down, at first small holes, later on already big tunnels, through which whole rivers could pass. Then within short period of time (comparing caves history to human history), man came to explore the caves and of course everyone had to leave a sign that they have been there and take a piece of the cave with them. Now those marks, they call it graffiti, are part of history, but the ones that people make now are called destroying the caves. I call it stupidity of human kind, making their history more valuable than saving the nature. This is the story about Jenolan Caves, which now every year thousands of people visit, where they have made walking paths so that people could walk around easily and other constructions. The natural way the caves should develop is destroyed.
Argue with me if you want, but that’s how I feel and if you give me good enough reason to believe otherwise, do so, but till then I see humans as a cancer to nature.
Now I should talk with few words what we have done :P. I left off where we were trying to figure out what to do in the Queenstown before leaving and where to go next. We decided to come more down south to Fiordland to do some hiking. But in Queenstown we actually didn’t think of anything so we were pretty much just spending time. Of course we were trying to get ready for our hiking, getting warmer gear, because we only had stuff good for Australian climate.
One evening new girl came in our room in our backpackers, gorgeous girl. We started talking to her and got along with her quite well, later on decided to go out to have few drinks. We went to the world bar and introduced those famous teapot cocktails to her. Evening ended actually quite early. She was talking about friend coming to Queenstown next day and she had to go to other backpackers, next day that friend turned out to be her boyfriend :P. Anyways I don’t know why I am talking about this, maybe because there was something about her, don’t know what, besides her look :P. Her name was Julie, she is from Austria, she likes to snowboard and she wants to become kindergarten teacher, but not for a long time, but for a while, same time she wants to travel. Amazing girl, too bad that she was taken and our time was so short.
Next day his boyfriend, who actually didn’t know that we knew Julie started randomly talking to us and one thing led to another, he gave us his number if we were going to do one of the hardest tracks here in Fiordland, Dusky track. We didn’t tell him anything. The world works mysterious ways.
From Queensland we came to Te Anau, small town in Fiordland, nothing special about it, maybe thing that it is in the middle of the most wet part of New Zealand and it is on the shore of one beautiful mountain lake and surrounded by amazing mountains. Here we went to the Department Of Conservation, which is the place where all hikers have to go if they want to hike somewhere and enquired about the Dusky track. The guy there warned us about the track, that it is really hard one, sometimes it gets really flooded, so that people get stuck in there and if we go we have to bring plenty of extra food with us and so on, and on. After thinking about it awhile we decided to do the Kepler track first, which is easier, can get there without problems and cheaper. And then look for people who would like to come with us and share the plane cost flying there, which turned out to be a bad idea. But I am too tired right now, so about that next time :P.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Posted by Freerider at 12:08 AM
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