Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Leaving soon...

7. Jan 2009

I just have to write something about today, because it was me day off and did something different :P. Actually I had day off yesterday too, but didn’t do much, well did the usual stuff, like surfing in internet for a bit, going for a run, do some workout, watch a movie, have a beer and so on. But today Zev had a day off too, so we decided to go to Lithgow, with no specific purpose tho, just to spend some time and get off from Jenolan. On our way there Zev let me drive his car, which was pretty awesome, because I haven’t driven a car for awhile now. In Lithgow were just chilling around, went to the shopping centre, looked into one motorcycle store, went to maccas :P, that’s about it, nothing special, but better than staying in Jenolan.

Anyways after that we headed back, we wanted to check one place out, that said Black Marsh, but when we went down the road it seemed to go nowhere. On that road we almost drove off the cliff, because Zev was bit speeding and showing off :P. But all was well and he let me drive back. After this we decided to just spend some time by driving and looking around. And I could practice driving on roads that no one uses. After making one round, I had to go back on the highway to get back on the small roads and then I forgot that we are driving on the left side here and drove into wrong direction and almost crashed the car, scared me shitless. Good thing is that we are all good, car is alright and we had quite interesting day. But that’s for sure, I never ever wanna forget that we are driving on the left side here.

After all that we went to Kym’s (Owens “wife”) place for a while, hanged out there, later got back to Jenolan. Played Xbox for a while, till Huey wanted to go to Oberon to get some pizza and asked if I wanted to go with him and Chris. Didn’t have anything better to do anyways so went with him, but when we got to Oberon we saw that the pizza place is closed. Huey and Tubbsy were hungry so we went pub, where they got their dinner, I didn’t care much, because I know that there will be free food waiting in Jenolan :P. Anyways after they had eaten we got back to Jenolan, I had my dinner, after that went up to the flats and now it is bed time.

Today would have been real good to go to the beach, because it was so damn hot. No clouds, basically no wind and that sun. I almost could of gone to the Fosters beach with Sam and Tara, but then it turned out that Tara needed to go home and I couldn’t of stayed there for the night. When they would of stayed in one of their friends place, like they thought at first, I could have been in the beach.

Tomorrows gonna be work day again, so I better get some sleep.

Gn and hf!

14. Jan 2009

Well today is the last day in Jenolan, so we are doing nothing at the moment. We are going shooting today and should do some packing too, but at the moment don’t care much actually. Yesterday had last work day and day before that was the last day in the kitchen.

Last day in the kitchen was kind of as usual, tho this time I didn’t do much, because most of prep was already done and I had no point doing more for next day, because I wasn’t going to be here anyways.

But yesterday was awesome, we had to work for James, clean his “garage”, which was full of shit and we had to take all of it down the mountain. We also got these overalls, like felons have, but James didn’t find orange ones, but still it was cool. Emptying the garage was easy, but taking it down not so easy. Was pretty good workout. Also there was like really steep hill next to road down and under the hill there were the flats. We almost dropped the cupboard down the hill, but luckily the tree stopped it, but it didn’t matter because later on Adam anyways pushed it down, so now someone has to get ropes and clean the hill of all the cupboard pieces. There was one more funny situation during moving. There was one old TV, which was actually broken and which we had to take down. I was trying to throw the TV screen, the tube or how ever you call it on the lower level, but it actually started rolling down the hill and when it reached down the hill there was that big boom. Scared the shit out of me and then James were yelling at as: “What the hell was that?”. Everybody started laughing. James didn’t get mad and he said that if anyone asks we slipped :P. During cleaning the garage also there was an situation when James yelled that “Stop, don’t move”, I didn’t understand what and how he was saying that and turned out that I had that huge spider on me, bit scary, but everything turned out well.

After we got everything done James said that there’s cold beers waiting for us in the bistro, we finished all up and went down to the bistro, had some beers. After that had an shower, got something to eat and then we went for a swim. It was awesome, hadn’t swam for a long time and there was a place where we could jump too, so I could practice jumping again, tho with the last jump I hit my ass :P, but I will survive.

Few days ago I had some problems with my stomach, it was hurting a lot, didn’t have much appetite either, almost would of gone to see the doctor, but as I don’t like them a lot I decided to wait and see. Now it’s a lot better and I have my appetite back, tho it’s not the best still, I am not so worried anymore.

Tomorrow we are going to leave and I don’t know when is the next time I will update my blog, but I hope it is soon. I think I haven’t written it yet, that I broke my computers charger and so I can’t use my computer at the moment, I’m using Kaupos. When I get to Sydney I’ll try to find new one, also I need to buy new thongs (no, not the ones that girls are wearing :P).

I want to get a tattoo :P. That is kind of the reason I have been looking for different kinds of quotes for so long time. Finally I have chosen some. Oh, and the tattoo would be on top of my back and would be written with white ink, so it would look like a scar a bit. Kaupo’s computer is dieing, so time to finish it up. Here’s the quotes I’m thinking about:

Happiness is not

pleasure. It is


I love not man the less, but Nature more…

Embrace the pain and you will win this game.

The things you own end up owning you.


Unknown said...

I would be very, very careful and suspicious with those quotes. I find it very hard to find a suitable quote that suites in every situation. If you have found those - good, but remember that everything changes and words in a sentence, no matter how much wisdom they include, doesn´t live the life. It´s you.